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Let me rewrite your question as I see it:

What are the factors that makes management a difficult job position?

Every company in the world that works with or trades with other companies or individuals is managed in one way or another. For corporations this could mean many, many managers in a lateral job position system (IE. remote sales managers or local sales managers could generally thought of as insuperior to the sales manager (of all net sales) in a corporation.)

In a small company, management can be complete by 1 individual in as little as a few hours each week (Note: many sole proprietorships require a lot of management skills and time management to sustain long-term profits). The scope of management is variable in so many ways that the ambiguity of this question is not addressed well enough to resolve a highly acceptable answer.

To summarize from my own experience as an entrepreneur, human resources worker, as well as my short background in strategic development, managing a workforce and the operation of it is affected by many internal and external factors; which vary depending on the industry you are in, your business model, and the size of your company's workforce and net output. Some managers (especially in smaller businesses), require almost all management duties to be completed by him/herself.

These many management practices include:

Human Resources: Hiring, terminating, and engaging a healthy, productive workforce. Labour relations is also relevant here, as conflicts that arise from employee-employer conflict must have some means of resolution for consistent and fair practices to be apparent. HR strategy is often implemented with other organization-wide changes to the workforce, practices and/or policies.

Finances: Managing finances is one of the most important parts of management when take from the scope of an entire enterprise of any size. The money, assets and investments you have are what will bring you returns on that investment if the business strategy is planned correctly. The returns that you receive as a result should also take into account many factors that are typically calculated with simple accounting functions (depreciation of assets over time such as cars and equipment). In finanancial management, it is also common practice to analyze future results based on information that you have access to, can collect, or have analyzed for you (No single analysis can be foreseen with 100% success before the time period in question ends, as there are many things that will affect our company and our department that we have no control over, or even knowledge of.) Financial risk is always taken in business, sometimes the chances of success high (with usually corresponding lesser gains); and sometimes they are low (usually with a corresponding greater dividend on the investment). To diversify from gambling: in the business world "Risk Mitigation" is a liberally used way to assess the likelihood of success and failure in a financial decision. Although you may always lack 100% certainty (aside from the assistance of insurance companies and similar contracts), your goal is to risk what you have the means to, for what you believe to be a fair return for (this is subjective), while ensuring that you have enough cashflow to support the company if a certain decision does unforeseeable fail.

Managing your specific role: Here is where we get into the detail of whatever industry you work in, and the nature of the work that is managed by an individual. For a stock broker director, involved in his management decisions is finding the qualified people that can identify sustainable positive traits in a corporation's business plan, as well as deleterious direction's that companies sometimes make during their operations. These skills will help the stock brokering and primary bank or fund's long-term health, as speculation is very important when valuating stocks for the purpose of long-term ownership.

For a retail business that employs 1-5 people for the sale of Solar Power Panelling (as an example), the key managing factors for the overall company's success would necessitate that the leader of the business (if not the direct owner/proprietor), to be competent in a wide range of all management functions and considerations. This is an area where the terms "Leading" and "Managing" often get confused, when really, they should always be used to support each other. The manager in this particular case is going to be interested in the volume of sales that's been occurring over the last 3 or 6 months; while along with this, calculating profits earned from client payments, and comparing them to the negative expenses that were required to attain that sale. Profit is every corporation's aim, as much of the world is run with a majority of Capitalist practices, and stabilized by various social systems and other political styles and economic practices feasible for the company and region of the work being produced.

In a new company you may not expect to see profit for 5 or even 10 years! (This is called running at a loss; where your capital investment is in part contributed by other sources than yourself, such as banks, fund reserves, engaged investors or family and friends.) When this is the case, you will have to pay all agreements you committed to in order to pay of the debt you owner these people or companies for their initial investment. If you get lucky, work hard, and passionately run your business with integrity and indiscriminate judgements, once you pay of all the debts you are owed, you will see a sharp rise in profit if your revenue has been positively gaining ground over the last few years, although your revenues will likely remain as expected (in a secure, non-competitive industry). Those initial investments in your business can sometimes be the largest capital investment for the lifetime of its operation, although many different actions can occur when a successful business with a high valuation is reviewed for expansion, sale, or even Mergers and Acquisitions.

Of all these endless factors that management has to deal with on a daily basis to achieve consistent flux in its respective industry, it is easy to see how being undereducated even in one moderately important area can induce stress on the manager that is responsible for acheiving particular results within boundaries of time (which often can be a simple project management error in failing to see the true scope of the project that is underway. This void of necessary information is why corporations are successful when set up as inter-connected departments with certain specializations, who work together to achieve the overall goals and mission of the company. Therefore, the bigger your business is, the more communications strategy is required to keep employees informed of new and upcoming events and changes, as well as giving them a forum to express their own concerns about the proposed decisions that were announced.

I do apologize for the long reply, but if I understood what you meant to write your question as, then this should give you a little inside information on the way management works in organizations of various sizes. There is no end to factors that can impact a company, whether it be social interest or condemnation, large-scale lifestyle changes, unexpected changes in economic performance and stability (local or international) or even local, state, national or international law, which is ever-changing, along with technological development (although the later is far more difficult to estimate in a reasonable range.

In conclusion, management (in its fundamental application), is the practice of informed decision making for overall success in the short and most importantly, long-term. Successful management requires broader-thinking today than it ever has for success in the highly competitive markets of today. An organization must be led as well as managed effectively to sustain and grow in the long-term at the mid-range or greater workforce size. Companies must adapt to cultural and social changes, and must support the people who it hires to keep the company functioning everyday. Without engaging your workforce and creating a community or organizational culture, productivity is almost certain to drop if you're depending on human assets to get things done. Today's business world and each business that operates concurrently are always changing to improve over their competitors. Constant analysis of environmental factors is beneficial in many industries, as is communication with your respective industry allies and rivals, in today's fast changing world.

Lastly, I would like to mention the toll that psychological and mental health disorders, related trauma and simply poor perception of our lives and our expectations we have for ourselves can make the difference between being on the road to success with a hope for a positive result or being on a slippery slide to the shaky and fast demise of a typical 21st Century organization. In this time that we surround ourselves with so many stressors, we have to learn to observe and appreciate the things that we do have at our disposal that bring meaning to our lives, unlike simple material possessions. Since our culture and human nature conflict in its optimistic and pessimistic ways, this is unfortunately what I believe to be the single most destructive barrier to companies worldwide and the mental health of millions or even billions of people. People see fear everywhere because that's what catches the eye of someone watching the news. The good news seems to be only shared if you're lucky to work with down to earth, open minded people who appreciate the intricacies of life, or surround yourself with people of a similar life outlook. I feel that medical practitioners are more and more aware of this trend of unhappiness, yet the only solution to such innate negative and fearful thinking is to transition slowly over time, enhancing your own life in small ways over the longer outlook.

Sure, management is filled with difficulties and confusions, complexities and uncertain futures, but so is life. Overcoming hardships through your own hard work and struggles offers a feeling of gratitude that can only be attained by facing challenges regularly. Sure many of us can continue to live with our perceptions so empty and hopeless and feel that we are by ourselves with no guidance. But since the only way forward for humanity is through international support of humanity's goals and the universal agreement that knowledge of how interconnected the human race on Earth is, and the subsequent response to the notice with acceptance and perseverance; eventually (though, not over night) we will slowly be able to tackle or problems head-on the right way. Through cognitive reasoning and with consideration for other people that you share the world with.

[For more information on business managers who think on the bright side of things while drinking a half full glass of water, see some CEO's who have shared some great idea's lately that demonstrate the power that suppressing anger and lust has in favour for optimistic but rational and logical problem solving.]

Charles Branson, Founder and Current Chairman of the renowned Virgin Group.

Mr. Branson, along with many other successful business leaders of today have been sharing their words of wisdom with the world through articles in various publications. From simple problems to simple solutions using logical and sound business decisions, to the more grandiose problems of current global-scale issues and the importance of the steps we should begin taking for the health and well-being of our children. These insights from leaders of industry can help us to appreciate the value of a hopeful and compassionate mind, and to think about life as it really is: a series of decisions that can affect many different people, both near and far. If we can fill in many of our corporations directors and managers with people of competent leadership and management skills, along with a resilient personality and positively reinforced perceptions, then it could very well happen that we will learn from these mentors and attain the skills that they have mastered through their personalized and humanized cognitive perception.

I understand the extra information here may seem slightly overwhelming, but I assure to all who read it that many people have unfortunately become too complacent in old habits, including those of thinking is a prejudice way or a presumptive idea of certain things that is counter-productive in its negative perspective. I want to give hope to future generations, the hope that I feel for the world if we soften our egos a bit and not spend every waking hour rushing to do something to avoid restlessness or anxiety that we shouldn't even have.

Hope that helped!

Greg Jankowski

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