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Grades that you would find satisfactory for your efforts in each particular study.

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Q: What are decent grades when your in year 9?
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Do year 9 grades matter?

Yes, they are pretty important.

How many job's can a 15 year old do?

about 9 depending on what they do and what their grades are.

How can a 9 year old become a singer?

Well u have to be talented,have good grades,and have fun.

How were Patrick stump's grades?

Patrick had decent grades but he never did his homework. His teachers would get annoyed because he was smart but he just wouldn't do his homework

Why is it good to get good grades?

Because you are more likely to get a good job that you get paid decent money for.

What grades have to do naplan?

Grades 3, 5, 7 and 9.

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What do you have to do to get in a four year college?

The exact requirements vary according to which college you wish to enter, but in general, you are expected to complete high school with decent grades, do well on an SAT test, apply for admission, and pay your tuition.

Is there highsome schools in Oklahoma from 8th to 12th grades?

No. They are 9–12 grades.

What school exams are taken in Scotland?

Standard Grades in fourth year, Higher Grades in fifth year and the Certificate of Sixth Year Studies in sixth year.

What is the average income for a lawyer?

Depends. If you open your office right out of law school, be prepared to starve the first year. If you have good grades in law school and go to a decent school, firms pay associates anywhere from 30k a year to 100k a year depending on where you live and the size and CHEAPNESS of the firm's partners. ;)

Which grades take taks?
