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commentaries in writting are you own opinion.

lets say you had a tlq plus a cm (commentary), you would say: For example, when Gregory is fighting with Sampson in Romeo and Juliet, he says, "Tis well though are not fish..." Above is the TLQ. (transition, lead in, quote)

The CM you would put after that would be: The reason Gregory was fighting with Sampson in Romeo and Juliet was because they are both apart of different kingdoms, the Montagues and the Capulets. So, all together, the sentence would sound like this:

For example, when Gregory is fighting with Sampson in Romeo and Juliet, he says, "Tis well though are not fight..." The reason Gregory was fighting with Sampson in Romeo and Juliet was because they are both apart of different kingdoms, the Montagues and the Capulets.

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In writing, "commentary" usually refers to an article or essay that discusses aspects of another piece of writing. This is not like a book report that tells what the writing is about, but rather enlarges on the ideas or makes original points based on the previous material.

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