by the achievements of the students depends on the teacher the way he presented in the further and make his teacher proud.............
She was a remarkable teacher, and adventurer and she was the first Teacher that try to have contact with her students fron outer space.
UM... Well... I guess you just have to suck up to them. Kinda be a teachers pet. I do that and all my teachers love me. With very many teachers it helps to be bright but not to appear brighter than the teacher, and to attribute your academic achievements to that teacher wherever possible. Also, don't overly praise other teachers in front of your own teacher. Praise your teacher a lot, though.
Yes, you do get achievements! These achievements can be found in games that you play, online, and offline. These achievements can be viewed in your achievements section.
This is a prompt you need to write. We don't do homework for students. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson.
This is a prompt you need to write. We don't do homework for students. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson.
His achievements were horrible and extraordanary
Yes, but on all PlayStation devices achievements are called trophies not achievements.
Quantitative achievements are the types of achievements that can be measured. They can be backed up with statistics and facts.
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There are 52 achievements.
his achievements were nice