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amore to (i love u) aero (airplane) albergo (hotel) auto (car) finally my italian knowledge comes to use...

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----Al Pacino---- <3 Cameron

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Q: What are Italian Male names beginning with the letter A?
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Some great names for a male Italian Greyhound are Lucky,Taz, and Gomer.

Which Italian names start with the letter 's'?

Salvatore and Stefano are examples of male names that start with the letter 's'. They're pronounced 'sahl-vah-TOH-ray'* and 'STEH-fah-noh', respectively. Stefania is an example of a woman's name that begins with the letter 's'. It's pronounced 'steh-FAH-nyah'.*The sound 'ay' is similar to the sound 'ay' in the English noun 'ray'.

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Robertina is an Italian equivalent of 'Robyn'. The English and the Italian names are familiar forms of the proper noun 'Roberta'. The male equivalent in Italian is 'Robertino', as a familiar form of 'Roberto' ['Robert'].

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Pancho is a Mexican male name. It begins with the letter P.

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