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空手 (karate) literally means empty-handed in Japanese (referring to hand-to-hand combat). I'm not too sure of any other sports that have a meaning of 'empty' in Japanese.

空 (kara) - empty

手 (te) - hand

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Q: What Japanese sport means empty?
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What sport is called empty hand?

Empty hand is Karate, a Japanese martial art.

Which Japanese word means empty orchesta?

カラオケ (karaoke)

Which of these martial art means empty hands?

Karate is the martial art whose name means "empty hand" in Japanese.

What does the Japanese word'Karate' is literally?

Karate literally means "empty hand" (kara=empty, te=hand)

What does the Japanese word Karatemean literally?

Karate means 'Empty Hand'

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Karate literally means empty hand in Japanese.

What is the Japanese word for karate?

空手 /ka ra te/ is a Japanese word, for a Japanese martial arts. It means 'empty hand'.

Japanese word that means empty hand?

The word 空手 (karate) literally means 'empty hand' in Japanese. This word is commonly used in both English and Japanese to refer to the Japanese martial art. 空 (kara) - empty 手 (te) - hand

Does karate come from the Japanese?

It comes from Japanese, kara, meaning empty and te, meaning hand.Technically it should be karate-do, do means way so it becomes the way of the empty hand. By empty hand here they mean without weapons.

What is the literal meaning of karaoke?

'Karaoke' is used to mean what it means in English -- that is, it refers to singing over pre-recorded music. However, it comes from the Japanese words 'kara' meaning "empty" and 'oke' which is an abbreviation of "orchestra." (Ookesutora in Japanese). Thus, karaoke is "empty orchestra," or just the musical part of a song without the vocals. In modern karaoke, the main voice or voices have been digitally removed. Originally the term was applied to any prerecorded music rather than an actual orchestra. Kara (Empty) Oke (orchestra)

What is the Japanese word for sport?

The Japanese word for "sport" is supootsu, pronounced "soo-poh-tissoo".

What is the Japanese word for empty?

'Kara', as in 'karaoke', literally 'empty orchestra'.