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geology. from the words geo (γή) and logos (λόγος).

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Q: What Greek word means writing about or describing the earth?
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What is the Greek word that means writing about or describing the earth?

The Greek word for writing about or describing the earth is "geography."

What is a greek word that means writing about or describing the earth today the word means the study of people and places on the earth and the relationships between them?

Geography. *** Γεωγραφία is the greek word for geography.

What is a Greek word that means writing about or describing the earth.?

The answer is geology

What is a greek word that means writing about or describing earth Today the word means the study of the places and people on earth and the relationship between them?

The Greek word you are referring to is "geographia," which translates to "earth writing." In its current usage, it refers to the study of the Earth's physical features, climate, and human societies, and their interactions.

What greek word means writing about or descreibing the earth?

γεωγραφία [geografia]

What can Geography can be describe as?

"Geo", meaning "The earth", and "graphy", meaning "drawing, writing, representing, recording, describing, etc." In short, it means "The study of the earth".

What is the Greek word that means writing about or describing the earth that today the word means the study of places and people on earth and the relations between them?

All of the planets, except for Earth, were namedafter Greek and Roman gods and godesses. The name Earth is an English/German name which simply means the ground. It comes from the Old English words 'eor(th)e' and 'ertha'. In German it is 'erde'. The name Earth is at least 1000 years old.

What greek word means changing shape describing the change from a caterpillar to a butterfly?

The Greek word that means changing shape, specifically describing the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly, is "metamorphosis."

What object is at the center of a geocetric solar system?

'Geo' comes from the Greek for Earth e.g. Geometry means measuring the Earth; Geology means reading the Earth (rocks), Geography means writing about the Earth. So a geocentric solar system has Earth at the centre.

What is the root word for geographical?

The root word for geographical is "geo," which comes from the Greek word meaning "Earth."

What is the suffix of the word autobiography?

The suffix of the word "autobiography" is "-graphy," which means "process of writing or describing."

What is the Greek root of the word geography?

The Greek root of the word geography is "geographia," which is derived from "geo" meaning earth and "graphia" meaning writing or description. Together, geography means the study or description of Earth's features, such as its landforms, climates, and ecosystems.