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You need at least a GPA of 3.8 and SAT of 1950... and that's pushing it

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Q: What GPA and sat scores required for iv league colleges?
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What does colleges review students scores on before deciding whether to often them admission?

Usually a GPA of 2.0 or higher, but the higher the GPA the better.

What is GPA requirements for Community College of Aurora?

The college has open admission (as with most all community colleges). No GPA required. However, a GPA of 2.0 is required to remain at the college.

What is GPA requirements for Community College of Denver?

The college has open admission (as with most all community colleges). No GPA required. However, a GPA of 2.0 is required to remain at the college.

What GPA and sat scores are required by a college like the depaul school of music?

4.0 GPA is needed and an sat score of 1920.

What is the average GPA required to gain admittance to Seminole Community College?

The average GPA required to get in to Seminole Community College is a 3.0 . SAT and ACT scores can help or hurt your chances of admittance.

2.5 GPA and 1200 on the SAT what kind of college can accept you?

Most colleges will but not the Ivy League types.

What colleges will accept a GPA of 2.2?

What colleges will accept a 2.2 GPA

What is the lowest GPA you can have to get into the Texas longhorns?

There is no set GPA requirement for any college. The lower your GPA, then the more involved you better be at extracurricular activities such as sports and the arts. Also, colleges do not look at a GPA alone; they look at it along with the classes you took and your SAT/ACT scores.

What colleges can you attend in New York with a GPA of 3.0?

A GPA of 3.0 is good. However, colleges and universities do not look at just the GPA. They look at the entire individual, not only the GPA. Depending on the institution, and how competitive it is, admission criteria may include the following. * Required: SAT Reasoning Test or ACT * Class Rank * Rigor of secondary school record * Standardized Test Scores * Academic GPA * Application Essay * Extracurricular Activities * Geographical Residence * Racial/Ethnic Status * Recommendations * State Residency * Volunteer Work * Work Experience

Do you have to have a 4.0 GPA to go to law school?

No, a 4.0 GPA is not required to attend law school. They will also consider your topic of study, your age, your LSAT scores and your application.

Is a 4.5 GPA generally bad for ivy league colleges and please have a detailed explanation as to why it is good or bad?

Its great. Highest unweightned gpa is 4.0 so if you have a 4.5 it means you have counted the ap courses, thing is that the colleges dont look at the weightened gpas so if you want to get into a ivy league school with an unweightened gpa I say 3.8 and higher.

What colleges will accept a high school student with an accumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher?