There are two colleges of veterinary medicine in California: The University of California at Davis and Western University.
There are multiple schools that offer Bachelors degrees in veterinary sciences in California. Most of the colleges and Universities in California offer these.
There are several community colleges in New York City offering veterinary technician training. Contact your local community colleges career office to find out if they offer veterinary technician training.
Some community colleges offer a Veterinary Technician Associates degree. This degree allows you to be an aid in a clinic, zoo or park for example.
There are many different colleges that offer a great training program to becoming a veterinarian. Some of these best schools in the country include Harvard, Louisville, and IUS with on the job training.
No state in the US has educational or training requirements for a veterinary assistant. This is an entry-level position for veterinary staff and training is generally done on the job. There are some schools that offer veterinary assisting programs and "certify" their students however many of these are not overseen by an veterinary professionals or professional organizations and are often taught by people with no education or experience in the veterinary field. For people interested in enrolling in a veterinary assisting program, a wise choice would be to select programs offered by colleges that also offer an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program or a veterinary assisting program that has been designed or approved by a veterinary professional association.
No state in the US has educational or training requirements for a veterinary assistant. This is an entry-level position for veterinary staff and training is generally done on the job. There are some schools that offer veterinary assisting programs and "certify" their students however many of these are not overseen by an veterinary professionals or professional organizations and are often taught by people with no education or experience in the veterinary field. For people interested in enrolling in a veterinary assisting program, a wise choice would be to select programs offered by colleges that also offer an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program or a veterinary assisting program that has been designed or approved by a veterinary professional association.
There is no degree for a veterinary assistant. Any training is given on-the-job. However, for a veterinary technician or technologist there is. There are primarily two levels of education and training for entry to this occupation: a 2-year program for veterinary technicians and a 4-year program for veterinary technologists. Most entry-level veterinary technicians have a 2-year associate degree from an American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)-accredited community college program in veterinary technology in which courses are taught in clinical and laboratory settings using live animals. About 16 colleges offer veterinary technology programs that are longer and that culminate in a 4-year bachelor's degree in veterinary technology. These 4-year colleges, in addition to some vocational schools, also offer 2-year programs in laboratory animal science.Several schools offer distance learning.
No state in the US has educational or training requirements for a veterinary assistant. This is an entry-level position for veterinary staff and training is generally done on the job. There are some schools that offer veterinary assisting programs and "certify" their students however many of these are not overseen by an veterinary professionals or professional organizations and are often taught by people with no education or experience in the veterinary field. For people interested in enrolling in a veterinary assisting program, a wise choice would be to select programs offered by colleges that also offer an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program or a veterinary assisting program that has been designed or approved by a veterinary professional association.
No state in the US has educational or training requirements for a veterinary assistant. This is an entry-level position for veterinary staff and training is generally done on the job. There are some schools that offer veterinary assisting programs and "certify" their students however many of these are not overseen by an veterinary professionals or professional organizations and are often taught by people with no education or experience in the veterinary field. For people interested in enrolling in a veterinary assisting program, a wise choice would be to select programs offered by colleges that also offer an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program or a veterinary assisting program that has been designed or approved by a veterinary professional association.
No state in the US has educational or training requirements for a veterinary assistant. This is an entry-level position for veterinary staff and training is generally done on the job. There are some schools that offer veterinary assisting programs and "certify" their students however many of these are not overseen by an veterinary professionals or professional organizations and are often taught by people with no education or experience in the veterinary field. For people interested in enrolling in a veterinary assisting program, a wise choice would be to select programs offered by colleges that also offer an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program or a veterinary assisting program that has been designed or approved by a veterinary professional association.
No state in the US has educational or training requirements for a veterinary assistant. This is an entry-level position for veterinary staff and training is generally done on the job. There are some schools that offer veterinary assisting programs and "certify" their students however many of these are not overseen by an veterinary professionals or professional organizations and are often taught by people with no education or experience in the veterinary field. For people interested in enrolling in a veterinary assisting program, a wise choice would be to select programs offered by colleges that also offer an American Veterinary Medical Association accredited veterinary technology program or a veterinary assisting program that has been designed or approved by a veterinary professional association.
Many community colleges do offer advanced career training. Contact your local community college for class schedules. Many community colleges do offer advanced carrer training. Contact your CC for more information on how to get this training.