Do Not Say anything negative about the company that you just left. Here are some reasons I have used:
Too much travel
Too much unexpected travel
No room for advancement
The company was slow and asked if I would be willing to take a layoff for a while
I disliked the industry, they promoted pornography, smoking, drinking, etc.
It was challenging enough
They were old school and did not want to adapt new business philosophies
I didn't like the kind of donuts they would bring in on Fridays
to say good job in the Philippines: magandang trabaho
A good term to use when you were let go from a job is you got fired... You can also call it a termination, a mutual separation or just say you left the company.
"Eyi nso" is a common way to say "good job" in Twi.
Good job ...or you can say job well done...
You can say "bravo"
In Old Norse, you can say "Vel gert" for good job or "Hælla" for congratulations.
"Good Job" "Congrats" "Congradulations!" "Good Job" "Congrats" "Congradulations!"
None of us can read your mind to know why you left your old job. You'll have to tell them the truth and say why you left or why you were fired.
The truth, or what you think is the truth, do not lie, you won't get the job.
You say you left for a new challenge, or career advancement. If it asks specifically why, you can say, position eliminated.
Good job.