Some effects of failing grades. When you have failing grades you don't get good jobs or get scholarships or even pass school. When youhave failing grades and don't pass school you will have to redue school all over again. So try to get good grades through out school.
i think fail
noting much but you can't fail any more i might fail and i have a bad grade so pray for me but don't fail any more
You do 3rd grade again
Good or bad... Good or bad... Try AMAZING!; and in 7th grade! You're on your way! Why did you take your SAT if your in 7th grade?????????????
It will have a bad effect on your grade.
no, if you get a bad grade at least once a week (besides Midterms and Finals) then yes you have a bad IQ. A bad grade in my eyes is a C or lower.
Because "e" could be confused with "excellent". This would be bad, since "e" would be a bad grade, not a good grade.
if something bad happens then it happens you cant change it unless you were doing someting bad, that's when it is your fault.
not that bad if you don't think about it
She would have to repeat 3 grade