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Q: Was there any difficulties in the sputnik 1 mission?
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Was the mission of sputnik accomplished?

Yes, the mission of Sputnik was accomplished. Sputnik 1 was the world's first artificial satellite, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. Its successful launch marked the beginning of the space age and the start of space exploration.

Space exploration began on October 4 1957 when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 what other spacecraft were launched between that date and the last mission to the Moon in 1972?

The Explorer 1 was launched on January 31,1958 one year after the Sputnik 1,and Sputnik 11

How many orbits did sputnik make?

Sputnik 1, the first artificial Earth satellite, completed 1,440 orbits around the Earth during its mission, which lasted from October 4, 1957, to January 4, 1958.

How many times did the sputnik orbit around the earth?

Sputnik 1 orbited around the Earth once every 96 minutes. It completed about 1,440 orbits during its 3-month mission in 1957.

What does the 1 in sputnik 1 mean?

It means it was the first sputnik.

What did the sputnik see on its journey in space?

Sputnik 1 didn't have any cany camera or crew onboard, so it didn't see a thing.

Was the US the first to launch into space?

No. The USSR was the first to launch any kind of space craft with the launch of "Sputnik 1" in 1957. The US was the first to send a man to the moon in 1969 with the Apollo 11 mission

Is Sputnik 1 a Russian spacecraft?

Sputnik 1 was a Russian satellite.

Did Sputnik 1 return with any samples?

No. It burned up on re-entry.

How long did it take for NASA to build sputnik 1?

NASA did not build Sputnik. Sputnik was a Russian satellite, not an American one.The Soviets have not released any information about how long it took to design and build the satellite.

Who one came first sputnik 1 or sputnik?

Sputnik 1 came first. It was the first artificial Earth satellite launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957, marking the beginning of the space age.

Why was there not a sputnik 4?

Because the Sputnik program ended with Sputnik 3. Albeit there was a Sputnik 40 and 41 but these were to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Sputnik 1.