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LBJ was a member of Kappa Tau Delta.

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Q: Was LBJ in a collage fraternity?
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What collage fraternity African American fonded in ithece New York by 7 cornell university students and what year?

Alpha Phi Alpha was established at Cornell in 1905-1906.

What state is LBJ from?

LBJ was from Stonewall, Texas.

What year did LBJ Sack Thebes in?

LBJ did not sack Thebes.

How did LBJ die?

LBJ died of a heart attack on January 22, 1973

When did LBJ die?

LBJ died on January 22, 1973 from a heart attack

Where is the LBJ Library?

The LBJ Library and Museum is located on the University of Texas, Austin campus.

When was The Fraternity created?

The Fraternity was created in 2002.

What part of speech is fraternity?

Fraternity is a noun.

What is the feminine from of fraternity?

A female fraternity is a sorority.

What is the duration of Fraternity Vacation?

The duration of The Fraternity is 1.55 hours.

Is zeta epsilon alpha lambda an international fraternity?

yes this is international fraternity

Would a gladiator join a fraternity or a sorority?

A fraternity if they were men.