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Q: True or false the formal and informal communication systems in organizations are always in direct conflict with each other.?
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What is the relationship between organisations and information system?

Organizations rely on information systems to organize, process, and analyze data to support decision-making and operations. Information systems help organizations improve efficiency, communication, and productivity by providing access to accurate and timely information. In turn, organizations shape the design and implementation of information systems to align with their business goals and strategies.

What is a shadow welfare state?

A shadow welfare state refers to unofficial or informal systems where individuals or groups provide social welfare services that are not provided by the formal government system. These shadow systems can include community organizations, nonprofits, or informal networks that offer assistance with housing, food, or health care.

Describe some of major changes that information systems are bringing to organizations?

Information systems are allowing organizations to grow their global markets by breaking the barrier of distance. Organizations can communicate easily and efficiently over computers to make company deals, purchases, and sells. Information systems have given organizations the competitive edge.

What are some wireless communication systems?

Wireless communication systems include pagers, cellular phones, personal communications systems

Is not a benefit of systems theory in developing organizations?

One potential drawback of systems theory in developing organizations is that it can oversimplify complex interactions and overlook the individual nuances and emotions that play a crucial role in organizational dynamics. This may lead to a lack of emphasis on the human element within the organization, which can hinder effective communication, engagement, and decision-making.

When was Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems created?

Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems was created in 1945.

What is the difference between consensus and conflict crime?

The conflict model (non-System perspective or system conflict theory) of criminal justice argues that the organizations of a criminal justice system either do, or should, work competitively to produce justice, as opposed to cooperativelyThe Consensus Model or Systems Perspective of criminal justice argues that the organizations of a criminal justice system either do, or should, work cooperatively to produce justice, as opposed to competitively.[1]

What is the competitive advantage of information system?

The competitive advantage of Information Systems includes cost leadership, differentiation, and innovation, among others. In cost leadership, organizations can use Information Systems to reduce the cost of doing business by establishing methods such as e-procurement. In differentiation, organizations can utilize social media and other online services to improve quality communication with customers.

How do information systems help organizations?

Information systems help an organization by providing important data. Executives can make decisions based on the data provided that will be more beneficial for the company.

Formal and informal information systems?

A huge gap exists between private, informal dialogue and public, formal monologue

What is the Basic support structures such as communication and power systems?

Basic support structures such as communication and power systems