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how can I find answers in Arabic language

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Q: Translate your the best in Arabic?
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How do you translate 'admiral' into Arabic?

you go toGoogle Translate

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Arabic Translation : " عضو " Arabic Phonetically : " Odow "

How do you translate 'brown' into Arabic?

Brown = bonne ( in Arabic ). and it written in Arabic this way : بني

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Where can one find Google in Arabic?

Google Arabic has its own online site with the suffix .ae. In addition, Google Translate is able to translate many languages to Arabic and vice versa.

Translate from ottoman Turkish into Arabic?

Ottoman Turkish and Arabic had different writing systems: the Ottoman Turkish alphabet used Latin, Arabic, and Chinese figures, but Arabic only uses Arabic figures. To learn Ottoman Turkish, you could go to The website is written in Arabic, but on the top you should find the Translate this Page, and translate into English or whatever language you speak.

What is Arabic for apprentice?

from google translate مبتدئ

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ana akrahoka

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Asfar اصفر

How do you write i love you best friend in Arabic?

Here it is... all credit goes to google translate أحبك أفضل صديق