Hello - Halò
How are you? - Ciamar a tha sibh?
My name is… - S mise…
Welcome - Fàilte
Goodbye - Feasgar math
Excuse me - Gabhaibh mo leisgeul
Thank you - Tapadh leat
You're welcome - Se do bheatha
Pardon? - Bàillibh?
Get well soon - Faigh na's fearr
I don't know - Chan eil fhios agam
I love you - Tha gaol agam ort
Happy birthday - Là breith sona dhuit/dhuibh
I'm sorry - Tha mi duilich
I am hungry - Tha an t-acras orm
I am thirsty - Tha am pathadh orm
I'm learning Gaelic - Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig
I'm married - Tha mi pòsta What fun! - Abair spòrs!
what's your name? - Dè an t-ainm a th' oirbh‡?
How much is this? - Dè tha e 'cosg?
What is this? - Dè a tha seo?
Where's the toilet? - Càite bheil an taigh beag?
Are you hungry? - A bheil an t-acras ort?
How many children do you have? - Cia mheud duine cloinne a th'agad?
I'm from the United States - Tha mi às na Stàitean Aonaichte one - aon
two - dhà
three - trì
four - ceithir
five - còig
six - sia
seven - seachd
eight - ochd
nine - naoi
ten - deich
eleven - aon deug
twelve - dhà deug
fifteen - còig deug
twenty - fichead
twenty-one - aon ar fhichead/ fichead 's a h-aon
thirty - deich ar fichead/ trithead
forty - dà fhichead/ ceathrad
fifty - leth-cheud/ caogad
sixty - trì fichead/ seasgad
eighty - ceithir fichead/ ochdad
one hundred - ceud
one thousand - mìle Sunday - Didòmhnaich
Monday - Diluain
Tuesday - Dimàirt
Wednesday - Diciadain
Thursday - Diardaoin
Friday - Dihaoine
Saturday - Disathairne Please note that the above translations are from English to Gaelic (I presume). English is the official language of Scotland in modern times. Most Scots don't learn or understand Gaelic, but speak an accented form of English which rarely requires translation.
Fàilte is the Scottish Gaelic for 'welcome'.
Anndra is the Scottish Gaelic equivalent of Andrew.
Burraidh in Scottish Gaelic as in 'He's a jerk',In Irish:?
You don't. It is not a Gaelic name.
In Irish and Scottish Gaelic it's "saor".
Irish: Pod-chraol Scottish Gaelic: podcast
In Irish 'Seas an fód';In Scottish Gaelic: ?
In Irish, 'meadow" is 'cluain' or 'móinéar'; in (Scottish) Gaelic it is ...
It is nigheanan, also nìghnean.
Emma Dhrumann
You need to specify Irish Gaelic or Scottish Gaelic: they are two separate languages.