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The answer is Sudan. This may not help much, but Sudan in Arabic is السودان (Al-Sudan, pronounced As-Sudan) and the word which is literally "the Blacks" but doesn't have quite the same history is السود (Al-Sud/As-Sud)

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Q: This countries name means Land of the blacks in Arabic?
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In social studies, the word "Kemet" refers to the ancient name for the land of Egypt. It is derived from the Egyptian word "km.t," meaning "black land" or "the land of the blacks," in reference to the fertile black soil along the Nile River. This term is often used in the context of studying the history and civilization of ancient Egypt.

How do you say i am finished in Arabic?

akher e ljezera If you are referring to "Land's End" as in the clothing brand, it is called "Land's End" in Arabic as well (لاندز إند). If you are referring to the idea of the point where land ends and the sea begins in a sort-of-pirate-sentiment, Arabic does not really have such a concept. You could say As-Sahel (الساحل) which means "the coast" or you can literally say Aqsa Ard (أقصى أرض) which means "the furthest land". (The above answer's Aakhir Jazeera (آخر جزيرة) means "last island".)

What does the term land of the blacks stand for?

Hotep, Egypt was known as Kemet. Kemet means black, or in this case land of blacks. Furthermore, the region had various names for the inhabitants meaning black; Nubia, Cush, Ethiops or Ethiopians all means Black. These titles were usually given to the Africans by outsiders as a way to describe the region. Salaam, shalom, peace

What countries name means the land of rabbits?

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Which countries nick name is called the land of pearls?

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