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The power to reject bills by a president or a governor is called Veto Power.

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Q: The right or power of a president or govenor to reject bills passed by a lawmaking body?
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The right or power of a president or Governor to reject bills passed by a a lawmaking body?


What is the right power of a president or Governor to reject bills passed by lawmaking body?


What is the term for a Predsident or Government to reject a bills passed by a lawmaking body?

its called the power of VITO ...

What is the job of the executive?

The President can approve or veto laws passed by the legislative(congress) (veto means to reject)

What is the veto power of the president of the Philippines?

The veto power of the president of the Philippines is the ability to reject bills passed by Congress. The president can also veto specific items in appropriation, revenue, or tariff bills.

What kind of veto lets a govenor reject part of a law?

It is known as the "line-item veto" but not all Governor's have this power or ability.

Who can reject President's appointments and refuse to ratify treaties?

According the United States Constitution, the US Senate can refuse the president's appointments. It can also reject treaties that have been agreed to by the president.

What branch can veto bills?

The branch of government that can veto bills is the executive branch, typically represented by the President. Once a bill is passed by the legislative branch (Congress), the President has the option to approve the bill by signing it into law or reject it by vetoing it.

How can a president reject a law proposed by congress?

By a veto

The constitution gives the president the power to do what?

reject laws

Can the senate reject a president's judicial nomination?

yes they can.

Can the senate reject a treaty negotiated by the president?
