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phlebotomy or venipuncture

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Q: The puncture of a vein for drawing blood?
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What cause hematoma when drawing blood?

when you hit the blood vein

What is meant by puncturing a venipuncture?

A venipuncture is a puncture in a vein. As when a person gives blood or has a blood test run.

What risks exist for the patient in undergoing a lactic acid test?

Risks for this test are minimal. The patient may experience slight bleeding from the blood-drawing site, fainting or feeling lightheaded after puncture of the vein (venipuncture), or an accumulation of blood under.

What is the difference between venocentesis and phlebotomy?

Phlebotomy is just the name of the blood draw procedure. Venipuncture is the name of the actual stick of the needle into the vein. Veni(vein)puncture. Technically, according to Medical Terminology. Phlebotomy= Pleb/o (vein) -tomy (incision/cut into) = Incision of a vein. Venipuncture = Ven/o (vein) -puncture (surgical incision)= Surgical incision of a Vein. They are technically the same thing according to Medical Terminology. Phlebotomy is the field hence the word/title Phlebotomist. Venipuncture is the procedure/act of drawing blood. So basically it depends on how your viewing the words. From a Med Term stand or not.

What preparation is required prior to a glucose test?

Blood glucose tests require either whole blood, serum, or plasma collected by vein puncture or finger puncture. No special preparation is required for a casual blood glucose test.

What happens to the patient if you puncture an artery instead of a vein?

bright red blood will enter the bottle under pressure

What risks are associated with a triple screen test?

The complications associated with drawing blood are minimal, but may include bleeding from the puncture site, feeling faint or lightheaded after the blood is drawn, or blood accumulating under the puncture site (hematoma).

What is veinapuncture?

Did you mean Venipuncture? noun Medicine/Medical .The puncture of a vein for surgical or therapeutic purposes or for collecting blood specimens for analysis.

What is the term for an individual trained and skilled in the puncture of a vein for the purpose of drawing blood?

It is called a Phlebotomist. I am a Certified Phlebotomy Technician through the National Healthcare Association.

Which vein used for taking blood samples?

There are three veins to choose from when drawing blood. The first choice is Median Cubital. Second is Cephalic vein and lastly the Basilic vein.

What is Puncturing a vein for the purpose of drawing blood called?

bloodletting i thinkANS2:The answer is Venipuncture. ANS3:Try "Phlebotomy"

What vessel is prominent in many people and often used as the site for drawing blood?

median cubital vein