Yes, 10.93 g is nearest to the tenth of a gram because it is closer to 10.9 g than 11.0 g.
10000 g
What is a 'g' . -No recognised measurement that name.
Quantities with a 'g' after them are measurements in grams.
The greatest possible error for the measurement 0.991 g would be half of the smallest measurable unit, which is typically 0.001 g for this measurement. Therefore, the greatest possible error would be ±0.0005 g.
There are 2 significant figures in this measurement.
6 kg 650 g is nearest to 6,500 g.
417.3 g
The error in the measurement was 7.5 g. This was calculated by subtracting the estimated mass (35 g) from the actual mass (42.5 g).