2.) The growing mechanization of industry is decreasing the importance of personnel management.what is your comment?
The importance of training and development in Human Resources Management involves proper management of personnel.
Searching for answer
what is the importance of personnel in an organization
official personnel management
what is the concept of Personnel Records Management?
What do you mean by payroll in personnel management?"
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Answering "Amplify personnel management as a discipline?"
The personnel administration deals with the coordination, organizing and staffing while personnel management deals with the planning and controlling. The personnel administration runs the given show while the personnel management controls the show.
Difference between Human resource management and personnel managementØ Human resource management is flexible where as personnel management is burocratic.Ø Human resource management is bottom up approach where as personnel management belives in top down approach.Ø In Human resource management organization structure is organic where as in personnel management organization structure is mechanistic.Ø Human resource management is people oriented where as personnel management is task oriented.Ø Human resource management see long term prospective where as personnel management see short term prospective.Ø Human resource management belive in facts and identified solution where as personnel management belive only on number.