push factors- congestion and overcrowding, noise pollution
pull factors- cheap n available land
transport development
increased disposable income
government led and private investments to lure people from crowded city centre
it is because developed countries are more advanced in learning and technology compared to peasant economy countries
A legal means that some citizens of Caribbean countries can use to migrate to a developed country would be due to fleeing due to persecution.
People in developed countries use about 3 times more water than people in developing countries. This discrepancy is mainly due to higher standards of living, industrial activities, and infrastructure that require more water consumption.
outsourcing replaces workers in developed nations with workers in developing nations
People in developed countries have a higher standard of living then people in developing countries.
Portugal is considered a MEDC (More Economically Developed Country) due to its stable economy, high standard of living, advanced infrastructure, and well-developed healthcare and education systems.
due to hard working people
As of 2010, it is currently a LDC. ( Least Developed Countries ). However, the Maldives is due to graduate to a developing country on January 1st 2011.
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Developed countries typically have higher energy usage per capita due to greater industrialization, infrastructure, and higher standards of living. In contrast, underdeveloped countries often have lower energy usage per capita due to limited access to energy sources, lower industrialization, and reliance on traditional energy sources. The development level of a country often correlates with its energy demands and consumption patterns.
Florida is considered an MEDC (More Economically Developed Country) due to its relatively high standard of living, infrastructure, and level of economic development compared to many other countries.
Developed countries typically have lower birth rates and higher life expectancy due to advanced healthcare and better living conditions. This demographic shift leads to an aging population compared to developing countries, where higher birth rates and lower life expectancy contribute to a younger population overall.