'You're busy using a translator' is one of many English equivalents of 'Stai usando un traduttore'. This is what you say to someone who's within your close circle of family, friends and peers. For someone outside that group or senior in age or rank, the phrase becomes '[Lei] sta usando un traduttore'.
"You are going to have a wonderful school year!" in English is Stai per avere un meraviglioso anno scolastico! in Italian.
Non parlo italiano così io sto usando un traduttore. Ho trovato questo. Forse aiuterà. WikiAnswers non permette collegamenti in modo dovrete cambiare la parola (punto) per un periodo. adobe (punto) com/support/documentation/archived_content/it/photoshop/cs3/photoshop_cs3_help (punto) pdf
Estoy usando un pañuelo de colores
Stai in un bel luogo! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "You are in a beautiful place!" The declarative statement also translates into English as "You're in one beautiful place!" according to context. The pronunciation will be "steye ee-noon bel LWO-go" in Italian.
cuando se desea cuadrar un angula de 90 grados , no necesariamente usando el teorema de pitagoras.
un collier is a necklace in English.
un chiot is a puppy in English.
un pompier is a fireman in English.
un lapin (masc.) is a rabbit in English.
Un oiseau is a bird in English.
un fantôme is a ghost in English.
Un fils (masc.) is a son in English.