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yes so everyone knows who you are

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Q: Should you wear soccer uniforms to practice?
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Why you should not wear uniforms?

We should where uniforms as it is an identity and it looks nice

Should students have to wear uniforms?

I think students should have to wear uniforms, so parents and kids wouldn't have to worry about what they are wearing!!!! Dah!!!

Are managers should not wear uniforms?

Managers SHOULD wear uniform or they look unprofessional.

What you should wear at soccer class?

In soccer, you should have the following:WaterDepending on how long the practice/class/ or game is, bring enough water accordingly.Comfortable Clothing/UniformAt a soccer practice, it is acceptable to wear comfortable clothing. (T-Shirt, shorts) At a game, you must wear your team colors (away or home.GearIt is vital to wear shin guards underneath knee length socks. Soccer cleats and ankle guards are also a requirement.Don't WearDo not wear obtrusive jewelry or hair pieces that are plastic or metal. Cloth hairbands and hair ties are recommended.

Do the french students wear a uniform?

No, French students do not typically wear uniforms to school. Each school in France has its own dress code that students are expected to follow, but uniforms are not a common practice.

Should teacher wear uniform?

Yes because we have to and they are going to school

Should students be allowed to wear uniforms?

NO because student cant wear what they want

Should kids wear uniforms in North Carolina?

They should not have to because it is mean

Why did the Nazis make the prisoners in holocaust wear uniforms?

It is standard practice to make prisoners wear uniform. I really wouldn't read anything into this.

What is a good title for a paper on school uniforms?

What to wear. How should I dress? Should we look the same? Will uniforms take stress off mornings? Should everyone look like clones? this help???

Why should public schools not wear uniforms?

Because they are not in military schools.

Why should students not wear school uniform?

because it dont let kids show their real them and uniforms are just ugly