A has more X, compared with B.
[ independent clause] comma "non-independent clause"
joining these two with a comma is not a good idea. If you are trying to join complex sentence structures try starting with...
Compared to that of A..... comma, B has got 29 percent more X. [using compared to as an introductory clause, you can't go wrong with the comma... after it]
A had more x when compared to B. A little better?
A had more x than B. Simple and beautiful.
Yes, you should put a comma before "as" when it is used as a conjunction in a sentence.
You should put a comma before a person name if you're talking directly to them. ex- Please come here,Lily.
Yes, when naming a state in a sentence, a comma should be placed after the city and before the state. For example: "I live in Chicago, Illinois."
The comma goes after.
Do not put a space before a comma. Put one space afterthe comma.
no. if but before is a sentence on its on and after but is a sentence on its own then put a comma before but.
You typically place a comma before a conjunction when it separates two independent clauses. If the conjunction connects two words or phrases, a comma is not necessary.
No, you don't have to put a comma before at all.