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Most definitely YES.

Schoolbooks are way past their use by date.

Every student from age 5 should be using some form of Laptop as their daily school "tool".

They would, of course, differ in capability from junior students to senior students.

The advent of large Solid State USB devices and portable hard drives has removed the need for the laptops to have hard drives installed other than a "bare bones" unit containing an operating system and minimal necessary programs.

Laptops suitable for junior students are available and cost no more than $300 while your average Dell type dual core CPU unit would suit high school students and need cost no more than $500.

The school I am most familiar with bears the full cost of software including operating systems, I believe this to be true of most Australian schools.

Providing even Windows Xp for the 350 students would be a huge impost on already stretched funding.

Microsoft could design and supply a free operating system for every school laptop without even denting the excessive profit they currently make. I won't hold my breath.

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Technology privileges should not be given to students until they have demonstrated that they know and can apply ethical standards and school policies.

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Yes, because it saves your files saves paper and helps a lot

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Q: Should there be a computer on every desk at school. why?
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