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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

They shouldn't.

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Q: Should school hours should be longer?
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Should children have longer school days?

No. Children spend most hours of their day at school, and afterwards have many hours of homework. If school days were to be longer, homework should be banished allowing children to be able to socialise

Should school hoursbe longer and why?

No, school hours should not be longer. You already have to sit in a classroom for 8 hours a day 5 times a week, any longer and your brain would be fried. I know i wouldn't be able to handle it any longer.

How much longer should school hours be?

I think school hours should be 6 hours because you get to do almost everything you do in school like eat then learn (well duh)but anyways I like your question!

Why school hours should not be changed?

An argument can be made that school hours should not be changed because of sports practice and other after school activities.

Why should school weeks be longer?

school should not be two hours longer because kid, teens and adult would love to be home with their family or kids and kids would not get a lot of extra time when they finish their homework they will have an hour or 2 to play games

Should children have longer school days by two hours but in percents please?

say normal is 8 hours, then percentage extra is (2 / 8) * 100 = 25% extra

Why should school hours be kept?

to be smarter

Should children go to school 5 days a week?

No children should not go to school 5 times a week they should go to school 3 to 4 times a week and they're summer vacations should be longer, I find that homework is a waste of time children have 6 hours of doing work at school and then they have homework at night now that is not rite. THIS person is a jacka**

Did obama say that kids should go to school on weekends?

Not so much weekends. He is saying the school year might need to be longer or more hours per day.

Where should you go in the winter for longer daylight hours?


Should school hours be changed to 12pm -6pm?


How many hours are you at school in a month?

If you're in school for 6 hours a day and 5 days a week, it should be about 120 hours.