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Yes, people should be required to take a citizenship test because we need to know that the people who are helping to make decisions for us are citizens because we want them to get the same treatment we get. Another reason is the citizens of today are so behind on the information of today. For example, some people think Barrack Obama is the president when the change is on January 20. So yes they should!

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Q: Should people be required to pass periodic tests in order to maintain their citizenship?
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Can you be a us citizen and also have citizenship in Canada?

Yes it is allowed. If you obtain Canadian citizenship, you are allowed to maintain your American citizenship as well. But you should always carry both their passports when traveling between the two.

How many years of citizenship should one have t become a representative?

Five years of citizenship are required at a minimum. This allows one to be a candidate or eligible to vote.

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Section 5 of the Citizenship Act sets out that the minister responsible (currently the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) can grant citizenship in his authority as a minister of the Crown. No advice to the Governor General is required, as citizenship in Canada is not issued by the Governor General-in-Council.

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The privilege of citizenship should not be underestimated.

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In order to move to Mexico, you need to fill in all the details required by the immigration department. You should clearly indicate that you are seeking either temporary or permanent citizenship.

Reasons to Hire a Citizenship Lawyer?

A citizenship lawyer is one of the most powerful types of lawyers that exists. This type of lawyer plays a truly important role in the functioning of society on a worldwide scale. With the help of a citizenship lawyer, a person is able to carry on his or her life in another country. A person is able to gain the citizenship he or she needs to be part of another country. Hiring a citizenship lawyer means that one can gain a lifelong dream to be a citizen of another country. A citizenship attorney is a critical part of gaining citizenship in any situation. A citizenship lawyer knows the process of gaining citizenship to another country and exactly what is required. This type of lawyer is well versed in the laws of foreign countries and how to help people navigate the legal processes necessary to gain citizenship. When a person visits an immigration lawyer, he or she will first ask which country a person wants to gain citizenship to. A person will have to explain the reasons for wanting to gain citizenship to another country. For some countries, it can be very difficult to gain citizenship. In other countries, there may be certain tests that need to be passed, in order for a person to gain citizenship. If a person has questions about gaining citizenship to another country, it can also be helpful to consult with a citizenship lawyer. An attorney will be able to answer any questions a person has about gaining citizenship to another country. In addition, a lawyer may be able to give valuable advice to clients on how to pass citizenship tests for other countries. Often, clients stress out about taking citizenship tests in other countries, especially if an understanding of a certain language is required. This can make passing a citizenship test a very difficult procedure. A good citizenship lawyer will be able to help a client throughout the entire citizenship process, however. A client should always feel comfortable with his or her citizenship lawyer at all times throughout the process. Never should a lawyer make a client feel inferior. Rather, a client should work with a citizenship lawyer that makes him or her feel empowered in a case and able to gain citizenship to other countries. Overall, a citizenship lawyer is one of the best resources for knowledge on gaining citizenship to other foreign countries.

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The minimum wind speed required to maintain motion in a wind turbine is typically around 3-5 meters per second (m/s). This is known as the cut-in speed, below which the turbine will not generate usable electricity.

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One, plus as many assistants as may be required to maintain good order and discipline.

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what direction should the picture be taken?

What proof of citizenship is needed to rent to illegal citizens?

There IS no proof of citizenship for illegal [citizens] aliens. I should say, there is no legal proof of citizenship for illegal aliens.

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