

Best Answer
One opinionI think middle schoolers should not have recesses because,

they aren't kids anymore. They have more responsibilities in middle school.

And, there Physical Education are extended too.

(usually 50-60 minutes long, in middle school.)

And most schools, have study halls. Where they have and hour or so, of free (quiet),

working time.

i agree with the first opinion because it not like they're gonna change the rules in high school too. -SKYLEROX

Another opinionYes, I think so. You wouldn't want to work for hours and hours without breaks, would you?

I'd say yes middle should have recess just because u are in middle school doesn't mean u are too old to have a recess

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No, that's why they have gym.

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Q: Should middle schools have recess
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What school do not have recess?

Usually middle schools and high schools don't.

What schools don't have recess?

intermediate, middle, and high school

What are the reasons middle school should ban recess?

Most states require a certain number of minutes per day of classes or they require certain classes in each grade. While there is nothing bad about middle schools having recess, most middle schools have to squeeze a lot of classes into each day, and they do not have time for recess. Most schools opt for a shorter day without recess over a longer day with recess.

Whhy don't middle schools have recess?

becauce they are to old and teachers are somtimes mean.

Do all schools have recess?

It depends, no english schools have recess, they have break or playtime, but yes all schools do have 'recess', americans....

Why should elementary schools ban recess?

Elementary schools should not ban recess. Children need time to take a break from being in the classroon all day, and they also need the exercise.

Middle school students have recess?

No of course not _____________________ Yes, actually, they do have a sort of 'recess' in middle school. They're allowed out - usually for anywhere between 20-45 minutes - and then brought back inside. The only real difference is that there's usually little or no play equipment in middle school.

Cons of recess?

Many middle schools don't have recess.Recess is scientifically proven to help kids relax and do better in school.Unfortunately most middle schools don't do this because of:timeteachers don't like waiting outsideplaygrounds cost money

What is are the similarities between elementary and middle school?

They're both*Schools*You have education*Teachers*Principals*Students

Can middle school have recess?

can midde school have recess everybody wants to know can middle school have recess please let me know and did you know when middle school have recess you can lose weight by it please give me any answers back thank you your very kindly .^-^

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