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Q: Should children be given unrestrained freedom?
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Should children be given the freedom debate?

Yes children should be given freedom as they too have there own life and decision making .In today's generation freedom is very much important as children should get the information ,what the hell is happening in this world , in our country.In the ancient times ,the condition was not so much poisoned as it is today.Parents are always paranoid.They feel that if they gave freedom to their children ,they would get influenced by today's generation and would take wrong steps in their life further,but if parents give their support to their children and help them to make a space for themselves in this over populated world it would be easier for them to live without stress and tension for their children in future. There was a lot of discrimination between girls and boys.In the olden days people thought that a girl should not be given any such kind of freedom which make them feel ashamed in front of others.Every girl should handle the household things with her mother. Boys were given the right to study but not the girls . Today the matter of fact is that women are more stronger then men and they have the capability to work day and night.Scientists have proved this fact.Today the situation is not under our control.We have to face such kind of problems.It's good to experience the things today. In the recent graph of deaths of the children at the age of a teen,most of them are the sucidal cases,due to stress and depression.If the children were given freedom , they would directly share their personal problems with there parents. At least parents should make their children feel supportive in each and every situation.If parents support them their is nobody who can harm their children.

Does a child should be given freedom unlimited if yes why and if no why?

no a child should not be give freedom limited because it can take her/his father in court.

Can children get Echinacea?

Echinacea should not be given to children under two years of age, and it should only be given to children over two in consultation with a physician

What should Aspirin not be given for?

Aspirin even children's aspirin-should never be given to children or teenagers with flu-like symptoms or chickenpox

Teenager should get full freedom or not?

no they should not be given this fredom because if they will be given freedom then they can misuse the liberty given to them by many activities and this age is very crucial at this age teenagers are attackted by certain illegal and dangerous activitiesa and so they need a tight parental control over it

Debate on topic should teenagers be given more freedom by parents and teachers?

yes..i feel tht teenagerz should be given all freedom coz they shd also be given a chance to experience the outer world in their own way..give them freeom to see how far they go but in the same time v shd control them..

Why should children not be given aspirin for viral infections such as the flu?

Aspirin should not be given to children because of concerns about Reye's syndrome

Why is freedom given to us?

Freedom is never given. It is won and earned.

Should pocket money be given to children?

yes they sound

Why should children with measles never be given aspirin to relieve pain and fever?

Children with measles should never be given aspirin, as this has caused the fatal disease Reye's syndrome in the past.

Should creative artists be given the freedom to express their ideas in words pictures or film in whichever way they wish and there be no restrictions on what they do?

Creative artists should have the freedom to express their ideas, but there may be limitations to ensure their work does not promote harm or hate. Balance is important to protect both artistic freedom and societal well-being. Restrictions should be carefully considered to uphold ethical standards while supporting creative expression.

What WERE THE ENSLAVE given guns money land freedom?
