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Prenatal vitamins will not harm you if you are not pregnant. You can certainly take them, but they will not improve the health of your hair. Pregnant women have improved hair health due to the extra hormones secreted during pregnancy not the vitamins. I've been pregnant twice. I'm currently still taking prenatals because I'm nursing and my hair was in horrible shape due to the plummet in hormones after giving birth. Also prenatal vitamins are actually a lower dose than a multi-vitamin. You might want to look into taking a good multi-vitamin and some hair supplements from a health food store. Sometimes there is an underlying medical condition causing hair problems. If your hair has taken a drastic change I suggest you visit a phyiscian immediately and have a complete physical done to rule out thyroid or other endocrine disorders. Also diet, stress, sleep, exercise all play a role in the health of your hair. You should increase your protein intake, and fresh fruit and vegetable intake. Also try adding flaxseed to your diet. Changing an unhealthy diet will do more than any supplement. After doing these things I've noticed a big change in my hair health. Good Luck!

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14y ago

No, don't take prenatal vitamins unless you are trying to get pregnant, are pregnant, or are breast feeding. The vitamins are specially formulated for what a pregnant woman needs during her pregnancy.

However, you can talk to your doctor about taking other supplements for hair growth.

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14y ago

They make your hair grow really fast. Sometimes it even becomes thicker and shinier.

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How can you get your hair to grow quick?

condition regularly and take prenatal vitamins which support nail growth as well.

Are you supposed to put prenatal vitamins in your hair for hair growth?

if your hair is sensitive it may damage but if it suits after using once you can use it if felt it better.

I started taking spring valley's gummy prenatal vitamins i heard it help hair and nail growthwhen taking prenatal vitamins and youre not pregnant can it throw off your cycle and make it irregular?

Prenatal vitamins such as Spring Valley's gummy prenatal vitamins can be used to help hair and nail growth. It does not throw your cycle and make it irregular if you happen to not be pregnant. In fact many gynecologists actually prefer if you take prenatal vitamins before you become pregnant in order to prepare your body for pregnancy.

What is the best vitamins to grow your hair?

Prenatal vitamins. My hair (and nails) grew out of control when I was on them!

What pills are their to take for hair growth?

There are many pills that can be taken for hair growth. Many of these are scams, used to take money from desperate people. However, there are some things that actually work. For example, biotin and prenatal vitamins are excellent for encouraging hair growth.

What vitamins grow your hair?

Biotin, vitamin E, or prenatal's.

Do prenatal vitamins help hair grow fast?

Yes, they even help with skin texture and nails. But, there have been strange talks about great loss of hair after you stop taking them. Because these usually prevent hair from falling.

How do you grow your hair longer quickly?

The best way to get long hair quickly is to have hair extensions put in. In lieu of that, taking vitamins and eating right is the best way to help hair grow. Specifically, taking biotin or prenatal vitamins are a good idea because they are great for healthy hair growth.

Is there pills to help your hair grow?

There are a bunch of different pills and vitamins that may or may not work for everyone. I've heard that taking maternity pills which boosts your iron can contribute to hair growth. Biotin vitamins also promotes healthy hair growth. For some people prenatal care vitamins make you put on weiqht, so alternatively you can crush them and put them into your shampoo. Dieting, exercising, obliviously trims, and massaging your scalp will also promote healthy hair growth.

Can you take vitamins to make your hair grow?

Yes, there are some vitamins you can take to make your hair and nails grow faster. I know for a fact if you take prenatal vitamins, your hair will grow really fast.

What can grow hair?

Believe it or not but prenatal vitamins work wonderful for your hair. Not just your neither but your skin and nails. It also makes your hair shiny!

I'm not pregnant but I take prenatal vitamins for hair nd nail growth I'm 2days past due on my cycle Would the vitamins make the test come out positive Or should I wait for my cycle?

No, the vitamins would not make the test come out positive. Pregnancy tests look for a compound called hCG, which is not in prenatal vitamins. That said, 2 days late is awfully early for a home pregnancy test; I'd expect the test might come out negative even if you were pregant. If you haven't started in a week, the test should give accurate results.