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Totally because If you have ages of Homework that is Due tomorrow or a couple of days away why would you do revising instead?

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Q: Should Homework come before revising
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It depends where they want to. Your Sim will always come offthe bus with homework,except maybe on Fridays . For the first few days i followed my kid to see where they put there homework. then you click it and it gives you the option if you want to ask for help, or do homework. if they are not in the mood, they will refuse to do there homework, "maxmotives" will boost up their happiness, so they will do there homework :) make sure your Sim fills up there homework assignment to 100%. when they are done they will put it away so you don't have to worry about it. the next day that same Sim usually puts there homework in the same spot they put it before. the only time they will move there homework is if they are not in the mood, which mostly ends up right next to where they had there homework before.

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Doubt It But I Need To Know For My Homework ... Ill be done before anymore comments come but oh well ! x

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This sounds like your homework. I would know as i have had this before. You should not ask for help to do your GCSE, the harder you push yourself and try, the better the grade you come out with

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