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If you are asking what that means, it is:

"I am fine. I miss you."

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Q: Shlomi tov ani mitga'age'a ha laich?
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May god bless you in Hebrew?

a man to a man: ani mekaveh sheshlomkha tov. a man to a woman: ani mekaveh sheshlomekh tov. a woman to a man: ani mekavah sheshlomkha tov. a woman to a woman: ani mekavah sheshlomekh tov. a man to a group: ani mekaveh sheshlomkhim tov. a woman to a group: ani mekavah sheshlomkhim tov.

What word in Hebrew means (here I go) or (there I go)?

A male says: tov, ani zaz (טוב, אני זז)A female says: tov, ani zaza (טוב, אני זזה)

How do you translate 'I am a good man' to Hebrew?

ani ben-adam tov (אני בן־אדם טוב)

How do you say i am a bad boy in Hebrew?

I am a bad boy = ani yeled lo tov (pronounced ah-NEE YEH-led LOW TOHV)

How do you say be well in Hebrew?

male to male: ani mekaveh she-targish tov yoter (אני מקווה שתרגיש טוב יותר) male to female: ani mekaveh she-targishi tov yoter (אני מקווה שתרגישי טוב יותר) female to male: ani mekavah she-targish tov yoter (אני מקווה שתרגיש טוב יותר) female to female: ani mekavah she-targishi tov yoter (אני מקווה שתרגישי טוב יותר) anyone to anyone (idiom): Refuah shlemah (רפואה שלמה) = "complete healing"

Does anyone have the words to the song Simontov and Mazel tov?

Siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, siman tov u'mazal tov v'siman tov u'mazal tov, y'hey lanu. Y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel, y'hey lanu, y'hey lanu, u'l'khol Yis'ra'iel.

When did Shem Tov ibn Shem Tov die?

Shem Tov ibn Shem Tov died in 1440.

When was Shem Tov ibn Shem Tov born?

Shem Tov ibn Shem Tov was born in 1390.

What are some words with tov?

The first two that come to mind when I think of tov are the phrases tov toda and mazal tov.

What is the English translation of Siman Tov and Mazel Tov song?

The whole verse is Siman Tov u'Mazel Tov Siman = sign Mazel = luck Tov=Good U' = and So Good signs (Siman Tov) and (u') Good Luck (Mazel Tov)

What you musel tov?

mazal tov

How do you spell mosiltove?

Mazel tov or mazal tov.