Scottish Gaelic: onair, urram Irish Gaelic: onóir, urraim
The duration of Return with Honor is -6120.0 seconds.
Return with Honor was created on 1999-06-11.
"Gaelic" can mean "Irish Gaelic' or "Scottish Gaelic". They are classified as two distinct languages.
In Irish it's "neart agus onóir".
The cast of Return to Honor - 2007 includes: Dena Rivera as Miss Sally
Neart agus urrum
Gaol (Love), Onair (Honour), Dleasdanas (Duty)
In Irish it's "tá sé d'onóir agam bheith i ngrá leat"
In Irish it's "onóir" In Welsh it's "anrhydedd" In Scots Gaelic it's "onoir"
In Irish it's: fill ar / pill ar / tar ar ais (to return to a place) tabhair ar ais / cuir ar ais (to return an object)