Effectiveness of Marketing Strategy of Tata Steel (I also provide u this project report (sjain3840@gmail.com)
A project report is a report you write after finishing and/or presenting a project.
self report
A feasibility report is an investigation into whether a project is worth undertaking. The report looks at factors such as cost and time. A project report is exactly that - a report on a project which has been undertaken.
The review of literature report on sales promotion can be found by doing an internet search. The review of literature on sales promotion basically talks about various factors that affects the sales promotion.
The significance of a project report is to let the reader understand the data of the project. Data is recorded and delivered in the project report. This is then used for future references on the project.
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project report details
The significance of a project report is to let the reader understand the data of the project. Data is recorded and delivered in the project report. This is then used for future references on the project.
A project proposal is an outline of what a project is to be about, a project report is a summarised exploration of what the project actually was and how it was done etc
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If you have a task to do it is called a project. If you write or speak about it's progress you give a project report.