There are many types of accreditation's, and legitimate institutions must be recognized the the US Department of Education. That being said, read the following carefully so you do not wind up with problems in the future.
For colleges and universities within the United States and its territories, the critical issue is the schools accreditation. When choosing a college or university make sure the institution has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. Below are listed the six regional accrediting agencies and their geographical areas of responsibility. Make sure the school is accredited by one of them.
Regional Accreditation Agencies
· Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, as well as schools for American children in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.
· New England Association of Schools and Colleges - Educational institutions in the six New England states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont).
· North Central Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, New Mexico, South Dakota, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
· Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities - Postsecondary institutions (colleges and universities) in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.
· Western Association of Schools and Colleges - Educational institutions in California, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa, Micronesia, Palau, and Northern Marianas Islands.
· Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Texas.
Social institutions
Crap....... No jzt kidding like maybe Federal Government
Transitional Federal Institutions was created in 2004.
Hill is an accredited online university. An accredited university is recognized all over the United States. Accreditation is not some kind of government issued license. Federal or State governments do not issue accreditation to any organizations.
federal correctional institutions
Banking institutions can be regulated by as many as four major, independent federal agencies as well as state agencies. Historically, there have been two distinct types of financial institutions in the United States: commercial banks and.
to shield money from the damaging effects of economic downturns
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council was created in 1979.
The state is the sole source of the right to resort to the use of legitimate force to compel obedience from citizens. The government is a complex of institutions of the state but is not itself the source of authority. Rather, government institutions exercise the state authority. Taken from TRU Poli 200 Handbook.
The primary function of the Federal Reserve Bank is to regulate the nation's monetary policy, supervise and regulate financial institutions, and maintain the stability of the financial system. It also serves as a central bank for the United States, providing financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions.
what is a federal government
Federal Home Loan Bank was founded in 1932. It is actually a group consisting of 12 United States government sponsored banks. They deal with financial institutions and not individuals.