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they want the guys to go and get them a shrubbery.

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Related questions

When was Knights who say Ni created?

Knights who say Ni was created in 1974.

How do you greet someone from China?

Say: Ni hao! -hello! Or you could say: Ni hao, ni zhen me yang? -similar to "how do you do?"

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Nisei is pronounced as "nee-say" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

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No, ni hoy ni ma~nana [the tilde accent is over the first "n" so that it's pronounced "ny"].

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If they say ni zuijin zenme yang ne and then you say wo hen hao you can say ni ne? and that means "what about you?"

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You may say 'uchi ni kaeritai,' or 'uchi ni modoritai.'

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Jina langu ni . . . (My name is . . .) Naitwa . . . (I am called . . .)

How do you say Hi I am happy to see you in Chinese?

For Mandarin Chinese, I believe you can say "Ni hao, wo hen gaoxing kan ni". If you need to be a little more formal, say "Nin" instead of "Ni".

How do you say hi and how are you in Chinese?

Ni hao Ni hao bu hao

How do you say hello in madarin?

Ni Hao is hello Ni Hao Ma is how are you