The common Latin expression is Dum spiro spero ("While I breathe, I hope").
Never give up on you
spenub hdgy es lubgeyr
numquam cede
Never give up hope
No. Instead, the Latin equivalent of 'Dare and never give up' is Audere et numquam cede. In the word-by-word translation, the verb 'audere' means 'to dare'. The conjunction 'et' means 'and'. The adverb 'numquam' means 'never'. The verb 'cede' means 'give up'.
no never give up no never give up no never give up no never give up
you have to be clear and full of hope,also you should never give up your case
This was the motto of my old school. It means never give up.
Some people never give up hope.
never give up hope and go and fine the one for you
Well 'Numquam' sort of means 'Never', if that helps.
I lose hope when i dont know what else to do(when it comes to friends and boy problems) but rarely ever for me because i never give up.......