"a lá" means his day / her day / their day "Do mo chroí" means "To my heart" "mo chailín deas" means "my lovely girl"
Lean means either: to incline or bend, or it can also mean skinny. In the case of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it means to incline (as in "lean over").
Clin- is the Latin root syllable that means 'to lean'. One of its English language derivatives is the infinitive 'to incline'. One of its Latin language derivatives is the infinitive 'inclinare', which means 'to lean'.
It means little extra fat. For example: The runner was all muscle and very lean.
"A ghrá" means "My love" "mo cheart" means "my right"
Actually "mo chara" simply means "my friend", "mo" means "my" and "chara" means "friend"It's 'my friend' in Irish Gaelic.
"mo leannan" means "my sweetheart"
"mo ghrá" means "my love"
"mo cuishle" is a common misspelling of the Irish phrase "mo chuisle". "Mo chuisle" means "my pulse".
It is not different there is mo such thing as a non democracy
i think its the non fatty parts of your body......
In Japanese is means "also/as well". For example, "watashi mo" means "Me, too" or "Me, also/as well."