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We do not have this information, although the president has acknowledged that for the first several years of his undergraduate work, he was an unfocused and somewhat indifferent student. Eventually, when he attended Columbia, he became more focused on his studies. The information we do have is that he graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991 with academic honors-- "Magna Cum Laude," which, according to the Harvard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of the school's students. He was also elected editor of the Law Review, an honor that the school says is given to a student seen to have great potential for the legal field.

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We do not know, and while some of his political opponents believe he has something to hide, the truth is that few living presidents have released their college grades; the media may have found out in some cases (George W. Bush was only a C student at Yale, but so was his 2004 political opponent, John Kerry), but not always. Grades are confidential and they do not have to be released without the permission of the person who earned them. That said, we may assume that at least at Harvard, President Obama got very good grades, because according to Harvard Law School, one does not become editor of the Law Review without being among the top students.

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Michelle Obama’s GPa in high school

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