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Q: May you go to the bathroom in hiragana?
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Mi puedo ir al bano por favor?

May I use the bathroom please? Can I go to the bathroom please?

Where do dogs go to the bathroom on the sims 2 pets?

If they are Housebroken they will go to the outdoors,if they are YARDbroken they willgo to the bathroom indoors,you may not want to be Yardbroken...

Can you use the bathroom or may you use the bathroom?

the correct term is may I use the bathroom

Hiragana and katakana?

I like Hiragana better!

How do you say may i go to bathroom in Spanish?

puedo ir por al bano

What happens when you don't go to the bathroom?

infections may occur and in extreme cases your bladder may burst-- which is not pleasant...

When will you go to the bathroom?

You will go to the bathroom when you are ready to. I hope you make it peaceful.

Do you think you should pee on yourself or go to the bathroom?

go to the bathroom

Where do you go to use the bathroom?

In the bathroom. On the toilet

Can your school charge you to go to the bathroom?

Schools cannot charge students to use the bathroom. However, for rule and order, schools may have set times to use the restroom.

What does the spanish word Puedo ir al bano mean?

As a statement: "Puedo ir al baño" = "I can go to the bathroom." As a question: "¿Puédo ir al baño?" = "May I go to the bathroom?" Notice the accent over the E in Puedo as well as the question marks create the question. Also be sure to use the ñ instead of the n. These are two different letters and interchanging them can have unintended results.

When do squirrels go to the bathroom?

They usually go to the bathroom when they are by themselves, holding still, and not eating.