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"May her soul rest in peace" = "Möge ihre Seele in Frieden ruhen".

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How do you say aatma ko shanti de in english?

May god give peace to your soul or May your soul rest in peace (RIP)

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Your soul may rest in peace

May his soul rest in peace in French?

pouvoir son repos d'ame dans la paix.

How do you say God rest her soul or May she rest in peace in Portuguese?

Que Deus a tenha. Que ela descanse em paz.

What can you say in place of rip or rest in peace?

There are a number of neat angles such as ( may the Soul of the Faithfully departed rest in Peace) or Ici Repose- Here Reposes ( sleeps) on French tombstones.

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she was very intelligent girl. she was very brave. may Allah rest her soul in peace.

What was Benazir Bhutto's childhood like?

she was very intelligent girl. she was very brave. may Allah rest her soul in peace.

In the Catholic religion what does RIP mean?

RIP in Catholic Church means ''Rest In Peace''.Roman Catholic AnswerR.I.P. is short for Requiescat in Pace, which is Latin for "May he (or she) rest in peace, a familiar prayer to any Catholic, it is an invocation of God's mercy on the soul of a deceased person, and was found on the earliest catacomb inscriptions.

What is the Welsh for 'May they rest in peace'?

'(May they) rest in peace' would be:Corffwys mewn heddorYn gorffwys mewn hedd.

How do you day Rest in Peace in Irish?

This is the equivalent phrase in Irish - Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam - which means May his soul be at God's right (hand).

Who was Piney Brown?

Piney was 7 decade blues and soul singer. He call Dayton, Ohio his home. Piney died in 2009. May he and his humble greatness rest in peace

Why do people say rest in peace?

Rest In Peace is the English term taken from the R.I.P abbreviation often found on headstones. The letters R.I.P actually originate from the term, "Requiescat in pace," which is a Latin prayer that means "may he (or she) rest in peace." It is commonly found on the grave of Catholics (as far back as the 18th century) because the term is derived from the burial service of the Roman Catholic church. "Rest In Peace" is said over the grave as a prayer request for your loved one's soul to find peace in their afterlife.