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how do i find a epic poem because i cant find one

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Q: Looking for epic poems for middle school.?
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Related questions

What were traditional epic poems often set in?

Traditional epic poems were often set in the past. The poems could take place in any nation or world. Epic poems often features heroes.

Are epic poems also narrative poems?

They can be considered narrative poems.

What is the genre of poems?

What is the poem? There are many genres of poems such as Ballad, Sonnet or epic.

What do you call long poems such as Homers The Iliad and the odyssey?

"Epic Poems" .

Why are The Iliad and The Odyssey historical documents?

These two epic poems are among the first epic poems recorded which have survived to modern day.

How many stanzas are in epic poems?

There are no limits or a maximum to the number of stanzas within an epic poems. Epic poems can be relatively short, or they can span a hundred or so pages (like Beowulf).

How is the beginning of Paradise Lost similar to other epic poems?

The beginning of Paradise Lost is similar to other epic poems in that it invokes a muse for inspiration, sets the tone for a grand and heroic story, and begins in medias res (in the middle of things) to create a sense of urgency and intrigue. Milton's invocation of the muse and introduction of the central conflict align with the traditional elements found in other epic poems like The Iliad and The Aeneid.

Is The Odyssey underlined or in quotes?

The Odyssey and Iliad are both epic poems. While short poems are quoted in writing, epic poems are underlined do to their length.

Which did William Shakespeare not wirte?

Epic poems

The epic poets of Greece probably?

apex : recited their epic poems in a strong rhythm.

What type of poem is The Iliad and odyssey?

The Iliad and The Odyssey are epic poems. They are long narrative poems that typically depict heroic deeds and adventures of legendary figures.

What are some poems for sumerian society?

The Epic of Gilgamesh