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servis, servi

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Q: Latin word for slave
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What was the technical term for granting a slave freedom in Roman times?

The Latin word for granting a slave's freedom was/is "manumissio". In English it would be "manumission".The Latin word for granting a slave's freedom was/is "manumissio". In English it would be "manumission".The Latin word for granting a slave's freedom was/is "manumissio". In English it would be "manumission".The Latin word for granting a slave's freedom was/is "manumissio". In English it would be "manumission".The Latin word for granting a slave's freedom was/is "manumissio". In English it would be "manumission".The Latin word for granting a slave's freedom was/is "manumissio". In English it would be "manumission".The Latin word for granting a slave's freedom was/is "manumissio". In English it would be "manumission".The Latin word for granting a slave's freedom was/is "manumissio". In English it would be "manumission".The Latin word for granting a slave's freedom was/is "manumissio". In English it would be "manumission".

What is the Latin word for a female slave?


What word do you rom the latin word ancilla?

The English word ancillary means subservient or subordinate, from Latin ancilla = a maid servant, female slave.

Which is ranked higher a serf or a vassal?

Vassal Serf is the latin word for slave

What does servus mean in latin?

Its like the italian word 'ciao'. Its used to say hello but also bye.

What is slave in Latin?

The Latin word for a "slave" is servus. We derive our modern words "servant" and, via French, "serf" (a person tied to a piece of land) from this word.The modern English word "slave" is from Latin sclavus(pronounced [sklawus]), the word for the Slavic peoples of Eastern Europe which originally came from Greek. This word was borrowed by many Germanic peoples because so many Slavs were used as slaves.

Does sister mean slave in Latin?

Servus means slave in Latin.

How do I translate the pretty slave in Latin?

Pretty slave in Latin is 'pulcher servus' which directly translates into 'beautiful slave'

What rights did the lords have over the serfs?

No benefits, no rights. They were slaves. Serf is the latin word for slave.

What does the Latin word servo mean?

it means slave or servant.

What is the base and prefix of servile?

The base of "servile" is "serv" which comes from the Latin word "servus" meaning slave. The prefix is "ser-" which means slave or servant.