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Ipso facto.

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Q: Latin that means for that very reason?
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What is the latin phrase that means for that very reason?

Ipso facto

Which language does the word reason come from?

Reason comes from French 'raison', itself from the Latin 'ratio'

How do you say amazing in latin?

Optime means excellent or very good.

What does protista mean in Latin?

the word protista means the very first

What does the latin word mini mean in English?

It means very small. :)

What language is omina causa fiunt?

"omina causa fiunt" means "everything happens for a reason". It is Latin.

What states name means mountainous regions in latin?

The state that means "mountainous regions" in Latin is Montana.

What does quia mean?

"Quia" is a Latin word that means "because" or "for." It is often used to introduce the reason or cause for something.

How would you translate the English phrase 'Hell is the impossibility of reason' into Latin?

There are at least two ways of translating the English phrase 'Hell is the impossibility of reason' into Latin. One way is a bit awkward, but true to the ancient, classical Latin language. That translation is the following: Infernus est quod non fieri potest rationis. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'infernus' means 'hell'; 'est' means '[it] is'; 'quod non fieri potest' means 'it is impossible'; and 'rationis' means 'reason'. Another translation is smoother, but instead true to the later, medieval Latin. That translation is the following: Infernus est impossibilitas rationis.

How do you say big in latin?

The correct answer for that very inquisitive question is Magnus...IT MEANS BIG!

What does the Latin phrase causa egit mean in English?

Causa egit means "It needs a motive, reason, excuse or cause".

Is there a difference between Latin and Spanish by language means?

Spanish is a romance language. There are some similar words but on the whole, very different from Latin