The large bay that is located north of Lake Superior is known as Hudson Bay. Hudson Bay is located in Canadian territory.
Yes it is north of Lake Superior.
The large bay that is located north of Lake Superior in Canada is called Hudson Bay. Thunder Bay is also north of Lake Superior.
Lake Nipigapon which drains its water to Lake Superior is situated in the north of Lake Superior, Canada.
It is Hudson Bay.
The large bay north of Lake Superior is called Hudson Bay. It has an area of 1.23 million square kilometers, or 470,000 square miles.
Thunder Bay is a large bay located on the northwest shore of Lake Superior. Thunder Bay is a popular tourist area.
Hudson Bay. Hudson Bay is not a lake. The large lake north of Lake Superior is Lake Nipigon, which drains through the Nipigon River into Lake Superior's Nipigon Bay at the Town of Nipigon. Nipigon Bay is the northernmost part of Lake Superior.
Hudson Bay
Hudson Bay
Thunder BayHudson BayThe first answer isn't right, because I had it for homework I turned it in and I got it wrong. The second answer should be right.Hudson Bay is NOT the correct answer.The correct answer to this IS Thunder Bay.Okay, the question is What is the name of the bay north of Lake Superior.Thunder Bay is part of Lake Superior, so it cannot be north of it.So that leaves us with just one answer. The bay north of Lake Superior is Hudson Bay.
Hudson bay is the very large bay located to the north of Lake Superior in Canada. There is a smaller bay, Thunder Bay which is right at the head of Lake Superior.
The largest bay north of Lake Superior would be Hudson Bay. The only bay larger would be the Bay of Bengal. There are other bays between Hudson Bay and lake superior but they are smaller. James Bay is also big but not directly north, it is north east more than north.