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Q: Jose is unsure of the approved sources of derivative classification. Which of the following are approved sources?
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All of the following authorized sources for derivative classification except?

All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT: Making the initial determination that information requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security.

Security Classification Guides (SCG) are the primary sources for derivative classification?


Is an important responsibility of the derivative classifier to observe and respect the original classification authority and to use only authorized sources to determine derivative classification?


Only authorized sources for derivative classification are:?

DD Form 254 Security Classification Guide Properly marked source document

All of the following are steps in derivative classification?

All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT: Seek additional guidance to resolve uncertainty Analyze material to be classified Use authorized sources for guidance Make recommendations for others to mark the new document

Is Derivative classification is the process of creating new unclassified materials based on classified source material?

Derivative classification is the process of incorporating, paraphrasing, restating, or generating new classified information from existing classified sources. It involves applying the same level of classification as the source material and ensuring proper handling and protection of the newly created classified information.

Which of these is an authorized source for derivative classification 1 CGs 2 CGab5z 3 properly marked classified source materials 5 CGAr20x 5 DD Form 254?

The only authorized sources for derivative classification are SCGs, properly marked classified source materials, and DD Form 254.

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Primary sources and secondary sources

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SOPs are developed from?

Into which classification is the following statement categorized: "...information in which the unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security

Sops are developed from what?

Into which classification is the following statement categorized: "...information in which the unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security

Two primary sources of policy guidance for derivative classification:?

DoD Manual 5200.01 Vol 1-4, DoD Info. Sec. Prgm 5050 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)