No, there is not a designated red-light district in Maidstone, Kent. Prostitution is illegal in the UK, and there are no officially recognized areas for such activities in Maidstone or other parts of the country.
red light district
The address of the Chatham Area Public Library District is: 600 East Spruce Street, Chatham, 62629 1631
A red-light district is where people can smoke drugs and where prostatutes are. Red-light district warns people about what they are about to enter.
The phone number of the Chatham Area Public Library District is: 217-483-2713.
A red light district is the part of a city that has prostitutes.
The Red Light District was created on 2004-12-07.
Red Light District Video was created in 2001.
Chatham Light was created in 1879.
The 11th Congressional District
in the words of Jimmy Carr's taxi driver "there's no red light district in Newcastle" As someone who lives in the city, I can confirm: there is no recognised 'Red Light' district as such. I'm NOT saying that it does not happen, just that there is no specific 'district'.