Hexapod is a Latin word. It does not translate to English therefore, those who speak English would just say hexapod. Hexapod means to have six feet. So the translation of to have six feet would translate to hexapod. To have six feet in Greek is Για να έχουν έξι πόδια
This word is Greek in origin, not Latin
Hexapod is a Latin word.
is heptathalon a greek or latin word
The original word was the Latin monarcha, which evolved into the Greek word monárchēs. Therefore, it does have origins in both Latin and Greek.
Greek word- Plathelminthes. Latin word-cestus
The root word "dorm" is Latin. It comes from the Latin word "dormire," which means "to sleep."
"Fract" is a Latin root word, derived from the Latin verb "frangere" meaning "to break."
The word legend has a Latin origin. Myth and mythology derive from Greek.