No the word except is a two syllable word, you were close!!!
Haha :D
see its a 2 syllable word :)
The accented syllable in the word "except" is the first syllable, "ex-".
The stress in the word except is on the second syllable ex-cept (ek-SEHPT).
Except is stressed on the second syllable.
it's not the first, it's the second.
The word "alert" has the stress on the first syllable, making it a first accented syllable word.
All of the words in your question except for "syllable."
first syllable
The stressed syllable in the word "morning" is the first syllable, which is "mor."
The stress syllable in the word "butterfly" is on the first syllable, "but".
Shower is a two-syllable word. The stress is on the first syllable: SHOW-er.
The first syllable "i" is stressed in the word item.